Announcement - old


As many of you already know, Sonia, our leader, is a keen sportwoman - mountain bikingand wind/foil surfing, snowboarding etc. etc.To date, not too many injuries. In October, the most innocent of cycling runs from home to the Woodlands Studio endedabruptly when a motorist ‘blinded by the sun' sent her over the handlebars, resulting inhospitalisation with concussion and a badly sprained wrist (right hand of course!!!). Fourweeks later, this minor wrist injury turned out to be a bad break and now requiresimmediate surgery. After physiotherapy etc. we expect Sonia to be ‘repaired' and ready to resume herwriting/painting role.
Rather than build up a backlog of unfulfilled orders, we are suspending operations forapproximately 8 weeks. WE WILL BE BACK, so make sure you are signed up to ournewsletter on, and we will let everyone know when we arerestarting work. We will be attending Aafes and US bazaars in Germany and the UK as soonas Sonia is deemed fit to work and drive and will feature the dates of our website whenavailable. Be assured that Woodlands Studio will be with you all as soon as ‘Sporty Sonia' is passed fit.In the meantime she is reorganising everything!!!!

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